Category: From the Blog
April Showers . . .
. . . bring May flowers… new classes… new teachers…and more yoga! Check our schedule for new classes added this month! Lunch hour yoga on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Power Yoga on Tuesday nights.
Let us know what works for you, we are adding more classes in May… so help us decide what days and times work best!
Yoga with Live Music (Samuel Pearce on Piano)
Join us Friday night for a marvelous blend of
movement and music!
Yoga from 5:30-6:30 with Samuel Pearce joining on piano toward the end of the practice. Enjoy more music and refreshments after the yoga practice. ($10 at the door, space is limited).
April Schedule – more classes, new times!
Being present is about awareness….and since we’d like you to ‘be present’… here are some changes you should be aware of:
First we’ve moved our 6pm classes to 5:30pm. (Now you can immediately relieve all your work related stress.)
Secondly, we’ve added two lunch hour classes at noon. (12:05 actually). The class will actually be approximately 50 minutes, so if you’re running a little late, no worries. Also there are 4 restaurants on the block to grab a quick lunch afterwards. (Clemenza’s, Cappies, Boccherinis and First Burger)
Thirdly, the Power class on Tuesday nights will now be 1 hour. This is a stronger version of the Yoga Basics class.
Lastly, we’ve added a 9am Saturday morning class for the early birds!
(click calendar for a larger view)
** Remember to reserve your space for the Hamstring Lab this Saturday at 1:30!
Hamstring Lab Saturday, April 2nd
Do you have tight hamstrings? Who doesn’t, right? Sign up now for the Hamstring Lab this Saturday at Love Yoga. We are very excited to welcome Lisa Wells, of Live Well Studio in Corvallis. She will be introducing and demonstrating techniques and yoga poses to help maintain healthy hamstrings. Followed by a yoga practice to incorporate these techniques. Time: 1:30pm – 3:30 pm. Cost $29.
Click HERE to reserve your space through MindBody Online. Register under our Workshops tab. Or call the studio 541-971-8244 to reserve your space.
Hamstrings and Live Music!
Lots to talk about: Online access, Hamstring Lab, Live Music and New Classes!
ONLINE ACCESS: You can access your account and register for classes online! You don’t have to register for classes… but for Workshops (Hamstring Lab)… and Special Events (April 8th)… it’s a good idea. Just click on the tab “classes/access account”. You can also fill out your contact info and ‘opt in’ for our monthly newsletter if you’d like.
HAMSTRING LAB: Lisa Wells from Live Well Studio in Corvallis is honoring us with her presence and her knowledge of Healthy Hamstrings. April 2nd 1:30-3:30 Cost $29. (Register online, or contact Love Yoga to sign up… space is limited). She will address specific hamstring issues and lead us through a series of yoga poses intended to help maintain healthy hamstrings.
LIVE MUSIC: Friday, April 8th 5:30-7:30. Cost $10. We will have the pleasure of listening to Sam Pearce on the piano toward the end of our yoga practice and for a bit afterwards. His music is incredibly powerful, heartwarming and uplifting! Yoga from 5:30-6:30… but if you’d like to stop by after and check out the music and the studio, please feel free to do so. Sam’s CDs are currently available at the studio as well.
NEW CLASSES: Power Yoga and more early morning classes are coming in April! We will finalize the schedule in the coming weeks and post it here, on our facebook and on our front door! Creating more opportunities for you to enjoy this space.
Spring Break and April Schedule
Just a quick post to let you know that our schedule will be changing a little bit for April. (Everything’s the same for the remainder of March.) We hope to have it posted by the end of the week. Watch for new classes and a couple of time changes.
For those of you staying close to home next week… fill your spring break with downward dogs, warriors and half moons… see you on the mat!
New classes in March!
POWER YOGA starts Saturday, March 5th at 9am! BE BOLD…check it out and let us know if this is a class you’d like to see on our weekly schedule? FIVE DOLLAR FRIDAYS is every Friday night @ 5:30pm. It’s our version of Happy Hour… complete with appetizers. (live music coming soon!)
Come in from the Rain
Keep warm and dry this week at Love Yoga: Yoga Basics, Kids Yoga, Yoga Challenge, Men’s Yoga. All levels welcome! Plus check out Happy Hour and Power Yoga – new this week! (Bring a friend for free starts March 7th!)
$5 Fridays Happy Hour (5:30-6:30pm) Start the weekend strong and calm with Happy Hour Yoga.
$10 Power Yoga (9-10am) Strong, powerful and energizing. Start the day off strong!
Full Moon Friday
Full moon Friday will be full of fun at the studio. We have Yoga Basics at 9:30am. Yoga Kids at 12:30pm and Happy Hour at 5:30pm. Happy Hour is a 5$ drop in class – good for all levels. Drop in and start the weekend off Strong and Happy!
Oh… please, please, please take the survey below… let us know what days and times work for you and/or what classes you’d like to see us add? We’re working on a new schedule for March… so thanks!