Multiple Colors! The bright shining light that you’ll be in one of our tanks, makes us giddy for warmer weather. $25
Multiple Colors! The bright shining light that you’ll be in one of our tanks, makes us giddy for warmer weather. $25
I had a teddy bear named Omar when I was young. (no idea why). I distinctly remember talking to him as if he could understand me. I believed that wishing wells and wishing on a star mattered. I practiced magic tricks, telling jokes and taking pictures. I had a Kodak 110, a disc camera and a Kodak Colorburst Instant camera. I don’t know why I’m not a photographer. My point here is that I did not understand how these things worked and I believed in them whole heartedly . . . a lot of things that seemed like magic at the time.
Yet, I’ve always looked at Yoga through a very practical and scientific lens. Finding and exploring yoga as an adult seemed like a very ‘woo woo’ thing to do. So I’m always looking for the science behind the magic. I’ve spent the last 8 years presenting all the evidence as to why it helps, why it works and why it feels so good. And then Harvard wrote a book to support my efforts. Sweet of them.
(Every one of our teachers has this book – you’re in good hands. Scroll down for the latest schedule and check them out!)
We discussed this in teacher training over the weekend…how yoga has for centuries been a practice for overall health, wellness and peace of mind. Centuries! Without any medical research to back it up.
As yoga evolves and is integrated into the health and wellness industry the research just keeps rollin’ in! Lower blood pressure, boosted immune systems, lowers stress, increases circulation and bone density, better breathing and balance and the big one…LONGEVITY…because we are born proficient procrastinators and welcome an opportunity to procrastinate the inevitable!
BUT WHY does it matter? To me? It doesn’t. Not anymore. I woke up this morning feeling amazing. Again. Happy, Healthy, Strong and Brave. That’s all the evidence I need. Magic or no magic. Stars, teddy bears, instant cameras…and yoga. I believe in all of them with all my heart.
Quote from linked article: “It may sound like magic that posing like a proud warrior or a crow could have such extensive effects, but it’s not magic. It’s neurobiology. This next statement may sound to you either profound or extremely obvious, but it comes down to this: the things you do and the thoughts you have change the firing patterns and chemical composition of your brain. Even actions as simple as changing your posture, relaxing the muscles on your face, or slowing your breathing rate, can affect the activity in your brain (beyond, of course, the required activity to make the action). These changes are often transient, but can be long-lasting, particularly if they entail changing a habit”.
Alex Korb, Psychology Today
Yoga. Changing the Brain’s stressful habits
8 days of getting a healthy and empowering yogic start to your day of pure island rejuvenation. Contact Suzanne or Cady Campbell for more info. Details on our website and the FB event page.
IF YOU’RE COMING TO MAUI WITH US PLEASE LET US KNOW! Email Love@loveyogastudios.com with any questions or concerns! Deadline for reserving your space is Feb. 14th!
This is a RELAXATION RETREAT with Suzanne (relaxation guide) and Cady Campbell (adventure guide). There are plenty of adventurous opportunities if you’d like them…and/or plenty of beach/pool time if you prefer. Every morning offers an all levels yoga & meditation class, any level, every level.
Kelly Ard has been a Licensed Massage Therapist in Albany Oregon for over 11 years. She specializes in Ashiatsu DeepFeet massage and Prenatal massage. She also offers a basic integrative massage by hand that combines Swedish Massage with some Deep Tissue, Trigger Point and Myofascial release. You can learn more and schedule directly with Kelly at ardworkinghandsmassage.net
Before to moving to Oregon, Anna Burnett worked as massage therapist in Alaska, Tennessee, and California. She was trained in 2005 in Palm Springs, California and her massage style is a creative and energetic blend of Swedish, Deep Tissue, Sports Massage, and Lomi Lomi. When she is not at Love Yoga Studio for yoga or massage therapy, Anna is a homeschool mom to four fantastic little people. You can learn more and schedule appointments directly with Anna at burnettbodywork.com.
Why this title? Because these are the last two Love Notes we sent out and I forgot to post them here on the website. I try to make our Love Notes entertaining as well as educational and engaging to some degree. I try to find songs and videos that relate to the topic. I try because I think myself to be fairly clever and creative and it’s fun! ; )
So if you haven’t seen our past few Love Notes (weekly newsletter from Love)… here are the links. You can also sign up from these newsletters to get future ones. We make them brief and we only send them out once a week – occasionally twice – if we have an update or a special event. We promise not to inundate your email with fluffy memes and yoga photos. That’s what Instagram and Facebook are for!
Or copy and paste this link: http://bit.ly/2DB6vVV
When you subscribe to our newsletter you’ll get a welcome email from me…Suzanne…that tells you a little more about why we’re writing these Love Notes (basically to keep you in the loop and stay connected). I really do hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them.
With Love,
We are compiling a list of all the events we know are coming up for 2018.
So far we’ve gotten through March. We might add a few things as we go along because sometimes opportunities come up that are just too good to pass up!
So definitely stay connected to see what’s happening each week. In the meantime, here’s a peek at what’s coming up in the next few months.
This way you can save the dates for the events that interest you the most. We’ll have the dates for our Solstice parties, book clubs, workshops, teacher training dates and our Maui Retreat in November this year! Aloha!!!
Sugar Shakedown: Join our Facebook group to connect with us as we kick the sugar for the first 10 days of 2018. No obligation, no huge commitment plus you get a free class this Thursday to help with the process! More information on the FB Group.
Bingo Challenge: Pick up a Yoga Bingo card at the studio and fill out as many squares as possible in the next 8 weeks. Entries go into a drawing for a New Jade Mat, A Massage or a Month Membership! 3 big winners and a lot of little benefits!
LOVE Jars 2018: The 1st 20 people to sign up for the Jan. 1st Flow class will receive a LOVE Jar. Throughout 2018, place your intentions or good things that happen along the way. Then, on New Year’s Eve 2018 you’ll be able to look back at all the good that happens through the year! (If you miss out on the class, you can bring your own jar and we can add the LOVE). ; )
Two Classes on Jan. 1st:
All levels Flow
Tai Chi & Acupressure
January Highlights:
January 6th 10:30am
Intro to Yoga: One hour demo and Q&A
January 12th 7pm $10 (limit 10 people)
Albany Art Studio
Scatter Paint project – join Love Yoga to create a splatter painting for the studio.
January 12, 19, 26, Feb. 2nd 6:45pm-7:30pm:
4 part Yoga 101 series.
Breaking down the class into sessions with time for demos and Q&A.
January 20th 10:30am
Yoga Alignment: Fine tune and adjust postures, flow and sequencing options.
January 20th 12 Noon
Kids Yoga
Coming in February: Yoga Nidra, Yoga for Back Pain and
To read and/or receive the newsletter in it’s original form with all the links
Go here: https://us12.admin.mailchimp.com/campaigns/show?id=1026277
Yep, we’re still here with our ‘UnGrinching with Love’ Project. How’s it going you might wonder? Well . . . we started with Halloween…trying to replace the scary side with goofy antics. (you saw the lighted hair and tutus?) But Thanksgiving. That’s a different kind of challenge. Family time, food choices, shopping frenzies and holiday buzz. For some of you this might feel like a dream come true. For introverts, not so much. So, below you will find many suggestions for ways to Give yourself Love and also to Give to others:
First! Check out our Upcoming Events for the rest of the year!
Second! See our Holiday Gift Guide below!
Third! Check out the list of FREE options you can use right away to start lowering your stress level and be the one that brings all the Good Vibes everywhere you go!
The Picture below of the crazy kid backflipping off the side of a cliff into the lake – that’s my son a few years ago. Thankfully I knew nothing about this until it was over. But kudos to whoever go that shot! Nobody has more Good Vibes than this kid!
If you’re not already receiving our weekly Love Notes click HERE if you’d like to see the full version and you can subscribe there also.
We’ve recently been coping them into posts here, but it doesn’t always work completely.
This week’s Love Note includes a giveaway of 3 copies of John Green‘s book Turtles All the Way Down!
It also includes free classes for Veteran’s all month long and yes, another great Love song from the 80s. Enjoy!
SO CLICK HERE FOR FULL VERSION: http://mailchi.mp/loveyogastudios/mentalmagnificence
Also, here’s another version of our monthly schedule… just trying out something different. : )
We’re reaching way back to 1959 for this week’s video and it whimsically indicates that we may have collectively needed some ‘UnGrinching’, all along. Every year we hear complaints about the commercialism of THIS season. What’s surprising is that the ‘commercialism of the season’ doesn’t seem to be as concerning for the other 3. You know, Valentine’s season, Easter bunnies and the 4th of July.
Not surprising, however is how this video ties in with our Holiday ‘UnGrinching’ project which starts today! The idea is that with some yoga related activities, maybe we can find more joy and connections all through the holidays.
It’s easy to see where we might have veered off track with sock sales, stocking stuffers and snickerdoodles. We need a bit more creativity to recapture the essence of connection and celebration to see if we can change our minds about the current state of the season? Can we embrace holiday parties with slightly less indulgence? Can we create a new approach to gift exchanges? Can we include more people and less things into our holiday activities? Can we change our minds first? Let’s see.
We’re offering as many opportunities as possible to find more joy and connection than usual over the next few months…. and we have more coming. (list below). We’re going hiking more often, rain or shine. We’re offering Yoga Nidra for pure, guided relaxation. We have some hot classes, some candlelit classes, more free book club gatherings and some playful workshops like: Fun with Props. Our Yoga for Anxiety class on Dec. 2nd will be FREE, so if you haven’t had a chance to check it out or want an updated refresher, feel free to drop in. We have our Thanksgiving Day flow with Juice & Truffles and our Winter Solstice Celebration coming in December!
The practice of yoga encourages us to observe our minds. Not change them. Unless you want to. Notice your breath, notice your energy, notice what you think and how you feel in this moment. Then try to choose… if you want a longer breath, a better feeling thought, a different kind of energy.
Sounds too simple, I know… and too hard. The thing is… the choosing IS simple… it’s the practice and focus that’s complicated.
I’m choosing to change my mind about the holidays…and since I’ve just started, I still have to practice doing that every single day. I figured if I could do it with chair pose, I could do it for Christmas. But I’m starting with Halloween! (special post coming Tuesday!)
Even if you already LOVE the holidays,
We hope you’ll join us for some of our ‘ungrinching’ activities. We can use all the help we can get!
You know what they say…
‘surround yourself with cheer-full people’ ; )
** indicates FREE events
Nov. 3rd 6:45pm Yoga Nidra guided relaxation class
Nov. 4th 10:00am **Fun w/Props (Blocks, balls, wheels & walls)
Nov. 12th 11:00am Bo Yoga Balance & Flow workshops
Nov. 18th 12:00pm Acupressure Workshop
Nov. 18th 6:00pm Hot Candlelit Flow workshop
Nov. 23rd 9:30am Thanksgiving Day morning flow class
Nov. 25th 11:00am Dream Bigger 2018 workshop
Nov. 26th 6:00pm **Open Heart Gratitude Practice
w/ Restorative Yoga with Brenda
Nov. 26th 7:15pm **Free BOOK club gathering & Tea
More coming soon: Hikes, Hot Gentle Yoga, & PDX tour!