Category: From the Blog

Holidays & Sabbaticals

Three holiday happenings!

1. Win a Gift card to REI and LoveStrong swag… during October!

2. UnGrinching 2019. Get your GRINCH CARD!

3. My personal sabbatical starts right now… BRB. (Scroll down to see how this is gonna work!)


I know first hand how tough the holidays can be with everything from split and blended families, loss of loved ones, money stress, gifting pressure, relatives and the holiday music that’s already making our ears bleed. The second camp, however is already shining their snowglobes. They deck the halls, bask in the baking, strategize their shopping and swoon over Bing’s Silver Bells.

If that’s YOU, I’m genuinely envious

So two years ago I tried to change my own mind about the holidays. (and chair pose). We celebrated all the holiday festivities and dubbed it the UNGRINCHING with LOVE project. And it worked! It was actually fun! It was the best holiday season I could remember in a long time and many of YOU said the same thing. Then last year, our UnGrinching project got cut short, so this year we’re back at it and we’re coming in hot with the Grinch cards so that YOU and all the Love Yoga teachers can encourage and uplift each other as we dive into the holidays this year!

2.  GRINCH CARDS.  Pick yours up at the studio so you have a constant reminder that practicing yoga makes you feel good. Drawing on Oct. 31st at 9pm.

TWO ways to fill your Grinch Card.
a.  Every time you come to class you get a stamp.
b.  If you see a teacher also taking that class, you get another!

This is how we stay connected, uplifted, supported and less Grinchy. And the lucky winners get a shot at the REI card plus LoveStrong swag! (Get your Grinch Card this week- Starts Oct. 1st.)

3.  My 1ST EVER SABBATICAL starts this week. Don’t worry, I’m not going to miss out on all the festivities. While y’all are gearing up with your Grinch cards I’m going to be at a couple of short trainings and then taking the rest of the time to ‘sabbat’ or whatever you call it? 

While I’m away . . .  You get to experience more of Yatsui, Hanawalt, Haley and Christina. You’ll see some new faces in the Karma classes and a brand new face with Evan stepping in for my Wednesday mornings! 


I’ll fill you in as much as I can along the way… but from what I’ve learned about sabbaticals, I should have no real plan, zero expectations, infinite ideas and a heart full of joy.  I also have a tiny bit of angst but …  I’m going to practice what I teach: 

I’m going to embrace the unknown, breathe through the hesitations, ponder the possibilities and create as much flow as possible with the intention that this sabbatical time works it’s magic on my creativity. . . and my chair pose.  If all goes well, I should be back in time to trick or treat!

Much Love, 

: )


p.s. If you’ve ever taken a sabbatical… I’m totally open to suggestions or ideas. 

From the blog: Don’t set yourself on fire to keep others warm

I use to avoid cliches like the plague (see what I did there?) but lately – because there seems to be SO many in the wellness world, I’ve been curious to see where they came from and why they’re still around. I’m finding all kinds of reasons why their ‘actions speak louder than words’. lol. So if you’re interested to know what I’ve found, there’s no time like the present….

Don’t set yourself on fire to keep others warm. This is probably my ALL Time favorite one ever and I just learned about it last year. SO many of us are doing this! Right now! Putting yourself last. Letting everyone else decide. Going out of your way to help. Wearing yourself thin (lol) while taking care of others. It’s exhausting, overwhelming and NOT sustainable. What will you do about this? Read on . . . .

The answer is inside of you.  Uh huh. Great. Super helpful. So is road rage, insecurity, fear and doubt. Those are probably getting in the way of us finding the answers… which is why we meditate.  When we meditate, once we get the hang of it and stop dreaming about pizza… a lot of the noise falls away and then some ideas pop up out of seemingly … nowhere? (For some of you this might happen when you’re driving, showering, vacuuming, running…. external noise falls away and we can hear ourselves think). We might get a glimpse of brilliance, a momentary burst of excitement, a huge epiphany. Something in there leads us to the… answers.

Love is the answer.  Okay, I whole heartedly believe this one right? Duh. But even at a deeper level there is scientific proof that loving thoughts, feelings and actions lead to a release of all the natural feel good chemicals in our bodies and brains. Plus, even the effort of searching for something to feel appreciation for, also releases the same. So even if you’re not feeling super loving right this minute… if you try to think of something you CAN feel that way about… you’ll still get the reward. E for Effort! Find love everywhere.

Do what you Love, Love what you do. See above ; )
This also ties in with the research around flow states. (I’m sure some of you are tired of hearing me talk about flow… #notsorry). Because when you find something you simply love to do… and it mesmerizes you to the point that you lose track of time, forget to eat and it never gets old…. you’re in flow and your brain release even MORE feel good chemicals.  The Flow Genome guys call this the Flow Cocktail. When you get a blast of this flow cocktail… you’re unstoppable! Kind of like how I feel when writing these emails! ; )

Better safe than sorry. I actually could go on all day with these… there’s a ton! But I don’t want to risk losing you completely and I have places to go on this beautiful Sunday. But don’t worry, I’ll be back with more of these another time because so many of them really do find their way into our practices… and some of them are kind of helpful.

Only time will tell
Nerves of steel
Laughter is the best medicine
Every cloud has a silver lining

From the bottom of my heart . . . (I can’t stop….)
Much Love,

; )

p.s.  August is Bring a Friend for FREE… all month long! No obligations, just hanging out with friends who like flow. Thank you so much for being part of LOVE!





Blog Post: Embarassing or Empowering?

I shared some embarrassing things in class yesterday… BECAUSE my embarrassing stories became empowering when I realized that I survived them. Think of an embarrassing moment… or an awful experience you’ve had. Could be something traumatic or something trivial, it doesn’t matter. Remember how it felt like it was a life changer? Well, it was – if you realize that you survived it. (savor that for a moment). The trick now is to not continually ‘re-live’ it.

And KNOWING you survived something does two things:

1. It gives you a story you can share to help others see that it’s survivable.

2. It empowers you to know that if you survived that, you can survive this. Or whatever comes next.
Because the reality is … you will survive everything that comes your way until the one time you don’t, right? (I warned you not to take my advice today, I’m in deep water here).

My advice yesterday was on fire: Learn about your nervous system. Use your breath to retrain it. Create more flow. Do more things you love so you’ll feel more loving more of the time, then there will be less room in your life for fear and worry. That’s great f#@%ing advice and it’s helped me a ton!

My advice today is still simmering: Run as far from everything as you can and only listen to yourself. Solitude matters! Nobody else’s advice will suffice because we are designed to save ourselves first. (it’s not selfish, it’s human nature). So when someone offers you their advice, recognize that it’s most likely something that works great for them. Swell. They can share it with you and you can try it but first run away and feel it for yourself. Then decide for yourself.

Ask yourself…what works for ME?
WHAT does MY heart want?
(Thanks, Sabrina ; )
(Soul Compass Workshop v.2 coming in August)

The moral of this message is… I’ve been completely embarrassed and humiliated at times and completely on fire at times. I’ve consulted everyone I know and I’ve run away to consult myself. And I get the very best advice from ME every single time. Try it. Especially while practicing yoga. (Crow pose for example, see below)

Take our instruction, take suggestions, take the opportunity to explore. But please, please, please, decide for yourself. Once you learn the ins and outs of the yoga practice… you’ll start to feel what’s for you and what’s not. This is where the magic happens! Where you start deciding more often what’s best for you, on and off the mat.

Much Love,
: )

p.p.s. Crow Pose is a perfect example of embarrassing vs. empowering. I can’t tell you how many people have beamed for days after they hold their first crow pose. I also can’t count the number of times we’ve watched you all fall out of crow and feel a little embarrassed. But when you fall out, it inspires someone else to try. (isn’t that strange human behavior also? Your ‘failure’ inspires someone else) LOL.  Crow Workshop. This Saturday. 10:30am. Sign up here now! Come check it out. It might be your greatest embarrassment, your greatest inspiration or just an all around great time.

July Holiday and 3 Schedule Updates

Greetings Love Yogis!  

For the 4th of July, we will have our usual morning class celebrating freedom with breathing and moving…. and NO Evening classes.

1. We are continuing our Summer School at Love!Your chance to check out different approaches, ease into new territory and ask any questions that occur along the way. We keep fun, lighthearted, safe and sustainable so you can up your game.

2. Upcoming events


Kids Yoga  Saturday, 7/6  11am, Drop ins $5

Courage to Crow with Erin Yatsui
Saturday 7/13 10:30am. Drop ins $20

Yoga & Knit Night with Erin Yatsui
Saturday, 7/13 4:00pm. Members Free, Drop in $16

Inversions/Arm Balances with Sabrina
Saturday, 7/27 10:30am. Drop ins $20

Sign Up Here!

3. And here’s a quick look at our weekly schedule you can screen shot and save to your phone or computer. (good idea, right?)  ; )


Starting Over with Email and Videos

Hi, it’s me, Suzanne.

Long Story Short. We’re starting over… again. It’s part of running a business.
(continue reading or watch video here: )

We have a NEW Email system for the studio. We’ve tried 5 email providers in the past 9 years. I’ve spent the past 6 days searching, sorting and importing to get us all here. We’re hoping this one is the best. (Subscribe here: )

If it’s been a while since you’ve been here you should know… we now have 2 studio rooms, softer floors, a/c, 15 + teachers, 2 massage therapist and an acupressurist. We offer yoga, meditation, teacher training, retreats, mindful health coaching and employee wellness programs.

Our Yoga for Anxiety class and other video courses will be available online for you to practice in the comfort of your own home very soon.

And our Summer Solstice celebration is this Friday night, 5:30-7:30pm, if you’d like to check any of that out. (For the Solstice, sign up ahead of time to be entered to win one of our 3 LoveStrong Packs, or just drop in and say hello!)

Have a great week!

: )


p.s. You can always unsubscribe at the bottom of the emails.

p.p.s. You can always subscribe here




Spit happens, Mary Poppins

Someone said to me recently, ‘you’ve had a hell of a year and yet you seem to be doing better than okay’.

I hadn’t really thought that much about it. But now looking back… I guess I’ve done some things in the past 12 months. I bought the Subaru, turned 50, launched LoveStrong Adventures, brought on 5 new teachers, retreated to Maui, came back to face losing my Dad, started off the New Year saying goodbye and then shortly after, said hello to a whole new cool clan from the York side of our family thanks to a little spit kit. And now we’re back in teacher training creating brand new yoga teachers for the fall. The world keeps spinning.

Sounds like a lot when ya put it that way. I’m sure if you went back over your last 12 months many of you would gather similar activities because… life.

I’m gonna go out on a limb here to say that I think there are two kinds of people in the world. Yep just two. That’s it.

There are people who enjoy most of life and people who don’t.

My Son argues this with me often but I’m pretty sure he doesn’t read my email, so I’m going to boldly and unapologetically state my opinion here.

There is Always a Silver Lining, Rose colored glasses help, my glass is always half full and Mary Poppins is my hero. (Can you imagine that?)

He doesn’t disagree with all of this. He just says it’s not that simple. Not everyone can hum a supercalifragilistic song and make all their troubles go away. I counter with yes…but it’s a start!

He’s a happy kid. I’m a happy Mom. But it wasn’t always this way. I dug my heels in early to figure out how to be calmer, happier & stronger. (Found yoga, practiced, let go of a bunch of s#it, nourished my mind, retrained my brain, love my life, became a super parent! Yada, yada, you’ve already heard it).

He knows how to find a silver lining. Even if he still rolls his eyes at me. Just yesterday… he was stressed about some things, so we went to dinner where he charmed the waitress for a special dessert like a 4 year old. And while we were there… someone keyed his car.

He modified the song a bit… Supercalifu#&alistic!

Looking back… It’s a combination of self awareness, self-care and self love that makes you the kind of person that can find their own silver lining. So yeah, it’s been a year… s#it happens, silver linings appear and I keep practicing.


Here’s a few of mine:

I stopped having hourly hot flashes. Brew Dr. has a new Power Flower Flavor. I’ve seen more of Oregon in the past 6 months with LoveStrong hikers, than I have my entire life. The peonies I planted a year ago are actually blooming this week! (see below). I feel closer to my family than I have in recent years. And strangely, I feel more connected to my Dad. We have the best group of Love Teachers that did everything for me throughout this past winter. Everything. I recently watched the latest Mary Poppins movie and I highly recommend it over GOT for the uplifting vibe and adorable animation. Aaaand….. best of all…

I now know with more conviction than ever that my practices have created a more resilient version of me. One that embraces change, challenge and the unexpected. Ship-Shape, Spit-Spot.


“Everything is possible, even the impossible”, Mary P.


Upcoming Opps to practice with Love!
Signing up early really helps us out).

  May 19th Beazell/Mary’s Peak Hike 
  June 8th Summer Ayurveda Workshop
  June 9th Blair Lake Hike 
  June 15th Summer School with Love begins
  June 15th Sound Bath with Viola Rose
  Plus, Summer School!


So, when life’s a real pea souper, 
you must choose to be a trouper
For your life comes with a lifetime guaranteeeeeee (MP)

Are we really all connected? You decide . . .

Was it Science, Fate or Magic? Does it matter? Aren’t we all truly connected in some way?  Doesn’t every experience broaden your horizons and give you the opportunity to live more fully? This one did.
Here’s a short story about the power of connection, the power of love and the power of DNA when you don’t let the stats stop you and you embrace all the possibilities.
It started with a barn dance in January 1943. The facts are few. The details vague at best. #younglove
A baby girl was born September 22nd 1943 on the Olympic peninsula and was immediately and unexpectedly transported to her new loving family in Spokane. No records. No history. No explanation. 
75 years later she and I matched on Ancestry DNA. 
You might call that science.  #thescienceoflove
In 2010, My grandma passed down a family secret to my mom. Grandma’s sister, Bette, had a love child. (That’s the story we’ve settled on based on the clues of a forbidden teen age affair). Mom began to search for this child but with everyone involved deceased and the fact that it was a well kept secret… there was simply no information to be had. She even tried the ancestry DNA tests. No luck.  #lovewillfindaway
Fast forward 2019: Somehow MY own DNA tests revealed a possible match to both my mom and myself. A 75 year old Mother of three and Nanna of five with a mild curiosity about her own beginnings, matched with me. She wasn’t avidly searching. But her story was our missing link.  She was born on the peninsula in 1943 and was looking for biological mother. (Why hadn’t my Mom’s DNA matched earlier? It had, we just missed the connections).  You might call that fate. #thepoweroflove
More investigation and three weeks later my Mom and her cousin Susann and their families met for the first time in Scottsdale, AZ. We all had similar hesitations… were they good people? Would we like each other? Would they be sketchy or sweet? Turns out they do not sell heroin, they sell essential oils. Whew! #youngliving
The similarities were uncanny and immediately obvious. They are more like sisters than cousins. The gestures, the smiles, their laugh, their vocabulary, the same number of children and grandchildren. Similar interests. Even similar passwords! And the list goes on.  #separatedatbirth
We were also fortunate to have met Susann’s gracious and welcoming family and found many other familial similarities. But we forgot to get photos of all of us together. #we’llmeetagain
Our little reunion of families connected effortlessly and formed a few new branches on two family trees. It was fun and fascinting. But most importantly… and pleasantly surprising to all of us, was how easy and natural it all felt. It was a heartwarming experience to say the least. You might call that the magic. #themagicoflove
So the science was there, fate brought us all together and the connections were magical.
#wearefamily #lovewillkeepustogether #seewhatididthere
Sound a little farfetched?  You decide….

72 minutes late but who’s counting?

I’m not sad today. I just didn’t know what to do or say about my Dad’s birthday. And then I was working on a class around ‘letting go’ and I was reminded of a book he left me… and then this just came together. But I didn’t get it finished in time… I’m 74 minutes late…. (but who’s counting?)


Everything we practice comes down to letting go. Letting go of tension, letting go of expectations, letting go of an exhale, letting go of attachment, letting go of how things should be or could be. Letting go of someone. #loveyoudad 

When we practice letting go and keep looking forward, we start to feel what it’s like to just BE. It’s kinda freeing. To just BE. #beherenow 

But how?! How exactly do we let go?

Someone gave us an example of this today. They found themselves on a flight with a seat that didn’t recline and because of their yoga practice, they decided to find other ways to relax with their breathing. They let go of their seat expectations. #breathingmatters 

Another person gave us the example of being in a scary physical situation where they had no control. So they decided to practice savasana. They let go of control and surrendered to the moment. It helped. #gowiththeflow

I recently had the example of letting go of my Dad. I had to decide to stop looking back and focus on the future. I let go of what could have been so I could move toward what will be. #justkeepswimmimg #cancersucks 

You might think comparing uncomfortable flights and scary places with death is inappropriate. But they say…. how you do anything is how you do everything. If I can’t let go of my pet peeves or discomforts and move on, how will I ever survive letting go of a pet or a parent. #mombetterliveforever 

So the moral of lengthy email #5 for this year and what happened in each example above…  is:

You have to decide to Let Go. 

You have to stop hanging on or looking back. You gotta be enthusiastic about the future. And you’ll want to fill your heart and soul with every good feeling moment possible. Living fully. #gobigorgohome

Start with tree pose so that when the storm hits you’re able to sway. To let go of your leaves and look forward to spring.

Why this message? Why today? Cause it’s my Dad’s birthday. I felt like we had something to say. He left me a book with a poem flagged.  It’s called You Decide. I wrote him a sonnet in response. (also cause I prefer a little profanity and humor in some of my poetry).

You Decide by Dolores Dahl

Win some, lose some, you hear people say
Life is but a game of chance they utter in dismay
Tossed about by bitter winds, a victim of life’s storm
and in despair, they go nowhere, believing this the norm

Unaware that they decide, the course upon the sea knowing not,
that every thought, they send aloft decree
Is one day carried out, becoming their reality
Each request is granted for Life can but agree.


I Decide by me ; )

I’m telling you now I’ve got to let go
I’ve got to stop looking back cause I know
It fucks with my neck, it saddens my heart
It tightens me up and tears me apart

But how you might wonder, do I let go?
How do I simply forget all I know?
How do I unwind the stress in my mind?
What do I do with the space I might find?

I look straight ahead wherever I go
I keep moving forward, I exhale slow
I challenge myself to focus on fun
I saunter soulfully under the sun

I know I don’t have to keep it inside
Cause my Dad told me, he said, You Decide.


What is Yin Yoga and Who should try it?

Christina and I have been working on a secret project for a little while now.  A new class.
Yin Yoga.
You may not have even heard of Yin Yoga before. 
Maybe because it’s not for everybody. 
Maybe because it’s a slower class. 
Maybe because it’s longer held poses… 
(picture a 5 minute pigeon, or a 4 minute twist)
Maybe you’ve heard it’s like Restorative Yoga…. it’s not.
This is why it’s not for everybody
(Scroll below to see if it’s for you?)
YIN classes require a solid understanding and practice around things like ligaments, connective tissues and nervous system signals.  Yin Yoga targets the connective tissues in your body, like the ligaments, tendons and the layers of fascia that encase your muscles, with the intention of creating a less reactive response from your nervous system.
All while maintaining a stable structure and support for the joints. 
We’re not trying to ‘stretch’ these tissues. We want to shift them enough to create more pliability.
We want to shift them enough, but not too much, so we maintain the stability in our joints.
It’s a fine balance. It’s a process. It’s learning. 
Because in Restorative yoga, we are COMPLETELY SUPPORTED. The intention here is pure relaxation, letting go, surrendering, softening and nourishing every space in body and mind. 
With YIN,  
We are engaging muscular support in some postures and structural support in others but we’re not letting go completely. We are aware and strong enough to engage in one place while releasing in another. Letting go completely could result in going too far. 
Should you? Can you? PRACTICE YIN?
This practice is most helpful to those of you who lift, run, wrestle, hit, kick, punch or hike. Or if you participate often in strength building/tension causing activities. Or those who have a strong awareness of their bodie’s own capacity and limitations. Those without injuries or those that want the mental challenge of a slow, still practice. 
You may or may not have heard of Paul Grilley, Bernie Clark, Paul Terrell, Sarah Powers, Paulie Zink or many other Yin Yoga Teachers. These are our teachers, our mentors. They have paved the way and they broaden the scope of the yoga practice.  (You can google them for more in-depth descriptions. Cause you know I’m trying to shorten my emails to you!)
Yin with Christina Starts this
Thursday 7pm – 8pm.

Yoga for Back Pain

Sunday, May 5th, 11am. No yoga experience necessary. This is not intended to be a medical recommendation or cure. We are addressing minor back pain, aches and pains that stem from daily stress, postural concerns and general activity. You can gain a better understanding of the simple anatomy involving your back pain and possible causes. We will move through appropriate yoga postures that improve your range of motion to support and stabilize your spine with more awareness. There will be time for demonstrations, questions and relaxation.