Category: From the Blog

Yoga, herbs, tee shirts, towels and mats!

MARCH UPDATES!   (Some of you may also receive our newsletter via Constant Contact.  Might be some redundancy while we sort this out.  Thank you for your patience!)  🙂

1.  Early morning Yoga Basics starts this week, March 7th.  6:30am.  One Hour, non heated, all levels. (flyer below)

2.  Learn to use the top 10 herbs.  How to grow, dry, eat or drink for your health! Sat., March 31st, 11am. PLEASE RSVP by March 23rd. (flyer below)

3.  Hot Yoga Towels:  Let us know if you would like one and which color you would like.  We will placing the order this week! (hopefully Tuesday, sorry for the short notice). 

4.  ‘THE MAT’ by Lululemon ( is great for hot yoga.  Absorbs all the sweat without the towel!  Easy to clean.  Stop by and check them out, or research at

5.  New sizes in tee shirts will be here Friday.  Send us your picture in a LOVE yoga shirt for a chance to win class passes!  Tee Shirts are $15.

Are you a morning person?


If you’re a morning person, you’re in luck!  We are testing out an early morning Yoga Basics class for the month of March. 

This Yoga Basics class is a 60 minutes, non heated class from 6:30-7:30am on Wednesday mornings..starts March 7th!

Let us know what you think!

(If you’re not a morning person…maybe we can help improve your outlook???)

Stars twinkle more than planets?






(annular solar eclipse)

Did you know that in the night sky, stars twinkle more than planets?  Did you know that on May 20th there will be an annular (ring shaped) solar eclipse?  Did you know that solar eclipses can happen up to 5 times each year! 

Did it occur to you when you clicked on this post that you might first learn something about astronomy rather than yoga?   Fascinating things are everywhere if you have just an inkling of awareness.  Awareness is something we try to cultivate in every yoga class.  Awareness of the breath, awareness of movement and awareness of the body.   Today however, we’re focusing on awareness of the new March schedule.   Because we don’t want you to miss out on any of the fascinating things going on at the studio.  This month we only have one small schedule change.  We’ve added an early morning Yoga Basics class:  Wednesdays 6:30-7:30 all levels.   We’ll see how it goes in March before adding it permanently.  Let us know what you think?

We also sent you a newsletter via Constant Contact…we’re testing it out to see if it’s easier than email.  IT IS.  So if you did not receive it and would like to, please let us know so we can verify your email address. (drop us a note at We will be sending out two emails each month.  One with the current schedule and one with any updates or changes.   Just so you’re   A W A R E .   🙂 

N A M A S T E . . . . .



FREE Yoga in February!

We’ve had so much fun with our Free Hot Yoga classes in January.  Thanks to all who participated!  Hot yoga is great, but we understand that it’s not for everyone.  So if you’d like to enjoy some free yoga but prefer a cooler climate…try out our 4:30 yoga basics on Wednesday afternoon… FREE!  February 1st and 8th we are offering Free Yoga Basics at 4:30pm.   Great midweek class – re-energize and still be home in time for dinner.

Check out our latest newsletter below and Class Schedule for upcoming events, classes and more yoga information.  Printable version: FEB 2012 Newsletter

You are perfect right now. No Resolutions needed.

Hold off on your New Year Resolutions….until you’ve tried yoga! Yoga will either simplify all your other resolutions….or help you realize that you don’t need any other resolutions.  That you are perfect…exactly how you are right now! 

The entire world is discovering the benefits of a regular yoga practice and realizing that yoga is good for absolutely everyone!  These benefits include pain control, stress relief, tension release, better sleep, weight loss and happier people!  (okay, I threw in happier people….. because I’ve met them).  Seriously, there are infinite examples of personal transformation all over the web in relation to yoga.  Google it.  Google ‘Why Do Yoga’….Then come in and try it…first class is free.   (If you have already discovered the benefits of yoga, please share this link and your enthusiasm with others.  Thanks!) 

Here’s a few highlights for 2012 at Love Yoga 

  • FREE Yoga Sundays!  Some Hot, Some not.  So far, we’re committing to January 8th and the 15th at 4pm for Free Hot Yoga.   We’ll see how it goes from there.  Bring friends, bring family, and please bring a mat if you have one.  Watch the website and facebook for more Free Yoga Days.
  • New Classes coming in February.  More Men’s classes, another Hot class and hopefully two really super early powerful classes!  Days and times to come in the next few weeks.
  • Yoga Outside at Namaste Vineyards and other outdoor locations this summer!
  • Yoga Anatomy workshop for aspiring teachers in July.  Reservations required.
  • 5$ Friday Nights!
  • December Weekend Retreat… location tba.
  • More fun tee shirts coming this year!

Looking Back…

Looking back at 2011….
with amazement and huge thanks to all of you!

At Love Yoga, we moved the studio, made new friends and watched so many people discover the healing power of yoga.

We have seen Farmers in ‘Cow Pose’, Octogenarians in ‘Happy Baby’, Teenagers in ‘Boat pose’ and Baby Boomer Warriors alongside 5 year old Linus, who thanked me for a ‘pretty good class’.

We enjoyed a few sips of the good life at Namaste Winery after balancing in tree pose…alongside the real ones.   We enjoyed the live performances of Sam Pearce on Piano and Tim Rundall on guitar during our Solstice Yoga classes.
We changed our classes regularly over the first year to find the best possible schedule…and around September, we found one that works…. for now.  Thanks for your patience.     The Lovely Canadian, Laura, had a gut feeling that Monday night would be perfect for Core Yoga.  She was right!   Then we changed locations to introduce Hot Yoga and it’s been a ‘scorching success’!   When we changed locations, not only did all of you come with us…even more people have discovered us and we couldn’t possibly be more grateful.

We’ve seen some of your transformations also.  We’ve seen some of you lose significant amounts of weight, bare your sexy yoga shoulders and take up marathon running.  Some of you got married, got divorced, had babies and changed jobs.  We’ve been honored to have you at the studio and allowing us to be part of your lives; to know your heartbreaks, your joy and your daily challenges in between.  Thank you for being part of Love Yoga.

As we Namaste our way into 2012, watch for new classes coming in February, more ‘Yoga on Location’ events, workshops, retreats, and FREE classes all along the way!  If you don’t have facebook, you can still view our page and see updates at  or you can subscribe to our website at  Enter your email there so you don’t miss any of the events!


Holiday Schedule

For the Holidays, we are closed only on Monday, January 2nd.
All other classes are on as scheduled!

See January’s schedule below or click to the right for a printable version.
(no changes from December.  Watch for more classes coming in February!)

5 things to do over Winter break

1.   Teens/students 5$ yoga – any class all through winter break!

2.  Winter Solstice Yoga, December 21st 6-8pm.  $10.  Yoga, cider, food and fun!

3.  5$ Yoga for everyone on Friday nights at Love Yoga!

4.  Drink hot green tea after yoga at Love Yoga – FREE!!

5.  Share Yoga!  Introduce someone new to yoga….bring them for free!

HOT Yoga this Saturday!

Saturday morning forecast calls for 36 degrees….So warm up with HOT Yoga!  We are offering HOT Yoga this Saturday, December 17th at 10:30am!  Bring your own Mat, towel and water!  Feel free to drop in, but it’s always a good idea to reserve a space.;  541-971-8244.

If you haven’t tried HOT Yoga yet, you are welcome to use our mats to try it out.
This is an all – levels class, very similar to our Yoga Basics class… only it’s heated to 90 degrees.