Are you up for a Spring Challenge?

It’s time for a change and a Spring-a-ling CHALLENGE! 

Remember last year when we were saying how it would be nice if things stopped changing day to day. Well now… we’ve changed our tune a bit. We WANT things to change. Things like the current state of being closed, the season, the cost of dental work and the worldwide zoom fatigue. We want to spring into Spring feeling lighter, brighter and allllll-righter.

How? By Letting Go and Creating Space. 

Letting Go is our specialty! We let go of stress, tension, tightness and frustrations, etc. We do this by breathing slow and letting go of exhales and expectations.

You’re invited to join us In Studio or Online, to let go ‘yoga style’ on March 16th at 7:00pm for a SPRING YIN WORKSHOP. A deeply relaxing, releasing, Yin practice w/a mini meditation on Aparigraha and all the ways we can lighten the load. $25 if you sign up now. 12 spots in studio and more online. Sign up at

Creating Space gets easier once we learn to let go. And we all know that clutter clutters your noggin. So, we keep it nice and tidy here at the studio. It feels good in here, right? Every time you step inside, you say, ‘it’s such a great vibe here’. Cause there’s NO clutter!

Were you one of those people who jumped onto the Home Edit/Marie Kondo bandwagon. No? Just me? (And Vonda). And 15k other obsessive organizers!

Well, WE did. And it turned out to be a super CREATIVE adventure. So the second CHALLENGE is to go a little Kondo Crazy with us and edit part of your home, garage, car, photos, junk drawer… anything. Something you’ve been wanting to clear out for decades, perhaps!

AND PLEEEEEEEEEASE…. Please share your creative storage ideas and your before and after pics! I need some ideas!

Tag Love Yoga Studio on Instagram or Facebook and use #lovetoletgo so we don’t miss your pics! Best pics win free tee shirts! You can also email me the before and after pics if you are not on social media.

Sooooooo…. Let’s get to letting go, shall we?  You go first. Just kidding. I already went first. Remember? I let go of half the business, the wall and a lot of you. (where’s the crying emoji??) ; )

I’ll post my pics too. Letting Go is easier when we let go together.

Thank you all for being part of Love Yoga Studio and LoveStrong Adventures. 
Much Love,
: )

p.s.  reserve your spot in the Yin class asap. We’re limited to 12 inside.

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