Well that subject line feels a little arrogant and presumptuous. Maybe you don’t have time or care to hear 10 random things about me? Or do you…? And it’s 11 now because I just can’t stop… maybe 12.
Actually, someone just said to me yesterday… they wanted to get to know me better… someone I’ve known for FOUR years!
And that got me thinking that we have so many new people at Love Yoga this year… who don’t know anything about us… me.
So I’m hoping if I go first… our teachers will do the same... and then some of you will send us your 10 things? Because what’s the point of being here… on earth… if we’re not going to get to know each other? And also… I want all of you to do this 10 Amazing Things challenge with me! Seriously, see below.
Here goes:
1. At 53, I’m still the middle child (older sister, younger brother)
2. I once had a dog named Mandy, after the Barry Manilow song.
3. I danced with Rod Stewart on the Rose Garden stage in 1996
4. I have one Son – Zack. (No he’s not Rod’s, he was born in 1993) ; )
5. I had a parakeet named Buddy when I was a kid… that my Dad told me died of tuberculosis…? (wtf?). He was probably trying to take my mind off of having the chicken pox.
6. My first car was a bright orange Chevy Monza. (I’ve had 17 cars over the years)
7. My first official job was with Tec Labs selling bee sting extractors.
8. I was a 1st chair trumpet player in junior high.
9. I hiked the Bright Angel trail in the Grand Canyon and a squirrel stole my only banana. I survived. Barely though because my hiking guide did not fall as in love me as I did with him.
10. I wanted a yoga studio for 15 years before I finally mustered the courage and the money to go to teacher training. On the day I got back… my manager blindsided and fired me for going (after completely approving it).
We opened Love Yoga 9 days later and the rest as they say…. is LOVE.
11. I struggled with severe anxiety attacks all through my 20s. I haven’t had an anxiety attack in over 23 years and I’ve distilled all the reason why (and how I’ve evolved into a courageous being that feels sort of okay with using bold subject lines to get you to read her emails) into a 4 hour online course – that comes out next week! (I might be a little anxious about this course going live… ; ). jk)
So there you have it… what brought Suzanne to this point in life. Key turning points were obviously the parakeet and the squirrel.
If you’re bold enough, I’d love for you to try this… It’s actually fun to look back at some of the funny and interesting things in my life. I left out the heavy shit like the parents divorce, the grandparents dying and the other boy troubles of my youth because we’re seeing plenty of heavy stuff in the world right now.
Plus, ever since opening Love Yoga… I have truly felt that it’s my gift in life to be uplifting. Or ‘annoying optimistic’ as my son calls it.
I wouldn’t say that I’m over the top pollyanna but I will never apologize, nor stop searching for silver linings in every situation. And yes, I mean every situation. It’s in my genes… my grandpa actually inquired about a refund on my grandma’s pacemaker because she only ‘slightly’ used it for two weeks before it quit. I’m still not totally sure he was kidding.
So please consider sending in your TTAY (Ten things about you) and then go be extraordinarily Uplifting today!
The ones who find that annoying probably need it the most. ; )
Much Love,