Our New Mat Room!

This is a Work in Progress. Isn’t everything? Well, it’s better than just a pile of mats… but THIS is the Mat your Must See…. YOURS!

Because we’re revamping the mat room this weekend and I can’t wait to show off the new storage. Neater, cleaner, cooler, roomier, easier…. you’re gonna love it!  (Thanks John!)

I can sense that your enthusiasm for this isn’t quite as high as mine… but to me… everything about the studio is ALWAYS… a work in progress. The schedule, the events, the flow, the design, the vibe….

I love rearranging. I love change. I love freshening the place up! ‘Freshening’? … is that the right word? Refreshing?….

Anyway… this is just a quick warning shot… more change is coming and it’s ALL GOOD!

That’s why we practice, so we can embrace change, light up our brains without setting our nervous systems on fire and enjoy every step of the way.

So keep practicing consistently! You know that’s how it works best.

And btw, You not only contribute to your own wellbeing when you practice with Love… you are contributing to the well being of this entire community… by helping us provide free TEEN Yoga, sharing yoga at the schools, offering free passes to new yogis and creating a calm community that also loves to embrace change.


What’s coming this Summer? Outdoor Yoga, Qi Gong workshops, Summer Solstice Celebration, More Booch, More Gong sessions, New Mats for the new mat room and more!

Embracing change with Love,
: )