“This was the most alive I had felt in years……”
FLOW is the subtle solution to so many challenges in life. I know because I’ve experienced it as such over and over again.
I’d like to promote FLOW so you can decide for yourself… what it is, why it matterss and how to find it for yourself faster than the years it took me to find mine.
You may have heard of Flow States when referring to such activities as skydiving, a championship game, a concert pianist.
An extreme state of mind that allows for precision performance.
But FLOW is not just for professionals.
It’s actually a state of being every Brain can access.
A state in which your inner critic is quiet, your courage expands, your having fun and operating on what feels like autopilot.
It’s the subtle art of letting go, diving in and floating amidst the larger essence of LIFE! That’s pretty big, right?
So why aren’t more people talking about this? Why aren’t more people creating more FLOW in their lives?
I believe it’s because most think it’s TOO simple, TOO subtle and TOO vague to be taken seriously.
But I take it very seriously… so much so that I’ve made a life out of Finding Flow… every chance I get.
It’s that state of mind where everything just clicks. Time flies, you’re lost in your own little world and you feel like you’re, ‘in the zone’, ‘in your groove’, ‘on fire’, ‘in the flow’, etc.
Your brain releases a ‘chemical cocktail’ that gives you focus, creativity, courage, motivation and satisfaction’.
You are totally engaged in an activity that takes a little effort, a lot of focus and some level of fun. For you.
And that FUN part is what makes FLOW something different for everyone.
For me, it’s YOGA. Getting lost in the practice to the point that I wasn’t thinking of anything else. Time flies and before I know it I’m floating in Savasana.
For me… it started when I was younger with reading. I could disappear for hours into a good book. Then it was writing, then driving and rollerblading, then yoga, then meditation, then breathwork and more.
YOU may have experienced a state of flow while gardening, fishing, skiing, swimming, playing piano, drumming, working, running, painting, singing, dancing…. you get the drift?
Now you might be thinking… yeah that’s great but we can’t be in FLOW ALL THE TIME.
I agree.
But I don’t want to live a life where I’m never in FLOW either.
Focusing on creating Flow increases my chances of floating downstream more often. So, I make an effort to do the things that create FLOW for myself.
The ways in which I find it most often these days is walking the dogs, practicing yoga, teaching yoga, learning Qi Gong, writing emails, playing pickleball and meditation.
It took me YEARS to Find my own Flow. I knew snowboarders, golfers, knitters, painters, hikers… who all had ‘their thing’.
I tried them all… but it wasn’t until I landed in a yoga class that I discovered that bouyant feeling for myself. I was high on Flow. My vision seemed sharper, colors seemed brighter, my food tasted better, my energy was next level.
THIS was more alive than I had felt in years. THIS is what I want to feel more often. THIS is what I hope everyone finds for themselves.
So if you haven’t yet found your flow… might I suggest a yoga class, a brisk 45 minute walk, a 30 minute silent drive, a guided meditation, or a dog. These are the quickest, most accessible ways I’ve found if you’re just starting your search… short of skydiving, water skiing or glass blowing. All of which ignite a state of flow almost immediately.
And when you do Find your Flow…. please share it. Someone else may still be searching for theirs.
: )