Ice Break Flow 2024

Ice, Ice, Baby….

Aloha Yogis! Today is your lucky day!

Because in Just a few more hours (24) this winter ice storm will be history!

Hang in there!

I know you’re home…

(I probably even know where you live. Nothing creepy about that… lol)

So, while you’re waiting it out, here’s a lucky little 20 minute flow with Charlie and I because we care about keeping you moving! Even when we can’t get to the studio.

**Remember we also have lots of other videos, meditations and tutorials in our Video Library, if you have a pass:


THIS class is mostly sun salutations to get your energy moving and your blood pumping. Because all kinds of magic happens when our energy is flowing!

Feel free to take it up a notch if you know how… or just take your time and keep flowing and breathing deeper.

Moving is the key.

Just keep moving.

(Sue G:  there’s even a little something in there for your hamstrings, you can do this one too : ). Gently! )

Do this as many times as you can until we can get back to the studio and back on the mats! And don’t forget….

NASAL breathing!






Much Love,


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