How do you get through something SO big?

If you know me at all, you know I love my acronyms.
PFEs, BFDs, and now PLT. (explained below)

Because of my own PLT, I feel a little unstoppable right now.

The way I see it, for me, I’ve lived through 3 levels of Mental Capacity:
Coping, Surviving & Thriving.

  • I spent many years full of anxiety and just coping.
  • Then I learned to let go of the past, keep going…
    and getting through things – surviving.
  • And in a pinch with the pandemic, I used every bit of training I’ve ever had to switch gears quickly, let go of what was, keep going forward and start thriving.  (Yes, there were low moments of chaos and confusion- but I’ve let those go ; )

Overall, my PLT and my yoga practice helped me thrive when I could have easily folded.

I now have a business that survived 2020. We have a growing community of returning and new yoga enthusiasts that seem genuinely interested in the practice for their own mental toughness, not just their planks.

If you had told me two years ago that I would have to find a way to get through an upcoming global pandemic, lose most of my business, learn completely new skills via midnight, YouTube, crash courses and do all this isolated from others, I would have told you that I was most definitely not prepared for that, nor did I have the mental capacity to survive that.

However…… Fortunately for me, I have had decades of PLT for just such a challenge.

And you probably did too if you’re reading this.

I’m talking about Personal Life Training. (PLT)

PLT is real Life experiences of getting through challenging things. Things like school, divorce, relocation, parenting, job loss, challenging relationships, financial concerns, health challenges and more!

(Notice I never use the words problem, struggle or trouble. Because for me that feels harder). But ‘Challenge’ feels like someone told me No and I’m determined to prove them wrong. Immature? Perhaps. Does it work? I’m still here. (humble shrug) ; )

I have spent decades practicing yoga – and I’m not talking about tree pose. I’m talking about breathing slow, to calm my nerves so I can think clearly and respond well in challenging situations. Like a car accident, a sleepless night, losing family, menopause or a pandemic.

I still have to practice letting some things go, being kind instead of sarcastic and truly going with the flow. But it’s so much easier than it was even just a few years ago. Because I train. I practice. And I hang out with others who do the same.  It helps.

Do you cope, survive or thrive in most cases? Are you prepared for whatever comes your way? My guess is yes – to some degree – because we ALL know that what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger, right?  But you can stack the deck in your favor with a little training.

Come train with us and fine tune your PFE (Pleasant Facial Expression) and your BFD (Big fancy dismount – when you topple out of tree pose).

Our Summer Splash Pass is the absolute best way to jumpstart your Summer and start training with Love. And our Fall Yoga Training is the best way to hang with others who love this practice. (Teaching not required to hang out – check out the 100 hour option)

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