How well do you know yourself?

No this is not Leif Garret from Seventeen Magazine 40 years ago. It’s ME. Approximately age 12 I think. How well did I know myself then? I knew I loved to take pictures, tell jokes, write poems, read and ride bikes. I loved tostadas but wouldn’t eat pizza, cake or chinese food. I had a parakeet named Buddy and a unicycle. Neither of those lasted all that long. After our grandma and our dog died, I used to wonder if the entire universe was a game and it was constructed to see if I could play it right. I know… deep. But now I’m starting to think I was on to something. Maybe more on that later.

But how well do I know myself NOW? And you? These are some sample questions we contemplate in the guided meditation class. (tonight 5:30pm). But also questions I’ve encountered over the years of self discovery that led me to where I am today. Yoga’ing with all of you! : )

Here’s your quiz: 

1. What is fun/enjoyable/satisfying for you?
2. Why are you here?
3. What pisses you off? (limit 3)
4. When do you feel most at peace in your heart?
5. What makes you smile immediately.
6. If everyone you know was doing what they wanted to do in life, what would you be doing? (and what small steps can you take in that direction?)

I enjoy driving, I’m here to try new things, excuses piss me off, even my own. I’m at peace when I practice. Completely. The ocean makes me smile immediately as long as I’m not in it. And number 6. I answer that different every time.

On a more serious note . . . 

Today, around the world, we’re collectively asking ourselves, should we leave the house, go to work, go to school, go to yoga? Should we share space, share meals, shake hands… or worse… HUG! ; )  What’s happening around us? Who’s closing, cancelling or rescheduling? Should we still order from Amazon, go out to eat or go to the store?

As a small business in a local community, I feel strongly that our risk here at the studio is low but of course we are taking extra precautions. Extra cleanings, limited props and limiting class capacity in order to provide you a 3 foot personal bubble.  I say personal bubble because we usually joke about those being luxurious.

We truly want you to have somewhere safe to practice and connect, so that you don’t isolate yourself from this big, beautiful, mostly safe, world.

And so you know… We have ALWAYS disinfected the studio on a regular basis. (not just the floors. The towels, the mats, the door handles, the bathrooms, the hallway, the front desk and more). We do it even more now so that it makes you more comfortable here.

You can help by keeping your body and mind relaxed and healthy… and wiping down anything you use. You could also bring your own mat, wear your socks and skip using the props for a while.

We’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe and sound… and help you find the peace of mind that will keep you that way. IF you do happen to feel under the weather… please continue to practice on your own at home. IF you’d like us to send you some sequences, videos or guided meditations to help, let us know. We’re here for you.

I’ll leave you with this contemplation about any confusing situation.

Ask yourself, when and where do I feel the most at peace in my heart?
Go there. Feel into that deeply and you’ll have your own answers. 


Leif Garret circa 1980