Not Quite Ready for this . . .

I feel like every email I send starts with … we’ve got big changes! But we do! (Scroll down for Opal Creek hike info)

(If you’ve ever wanted to have the monthly unlimited membership at a price you choose… message me now because I’m seriously missing you and I want you to be part of all the Holiday fun we have coming! (That’s right… I’m on an ‘UnGrinching’ obsession again this year!). 

And I’ll stop using exclamation points now.

I’m just so excited. Our current teachers in training are just about ready to roll and we’re excited for you to meet them. (see the new schedule below and watch for a few more in the coming weeks).

So why did I start with . . . ‘I’m not ready’?

Looking back over some of the biggest things I’ve done in life… I never felt really ready.

* Moving out at 17 (and back shortly after)
* Starting the studio
* Teaching teachers
* Buying a house
* Having my son
* Losing my dog

Sometimes we jump, sometimes we get a little nudge/shove. And sometimes… when the opportunity presents itself… it’s just too good to let pass. Eventually I got to a place where even though I wasn’t ready, I could still jump on my own.

I just got back from a 5 day yoga training in the Santa Cruz mountains (pics above – it was not warm down on the pier). We practiced connecting to our own intuition. By that I mean, really taking the time to listen to my heart, patiently waiting, feeling. Checking in with myself instead of 16 other people before making a decision.

Today I put that into practice by only checking with 2! And then I decided where to eat lunch. ; ) (Exclamation point earned).

If it weren’t for this yoga practice, I wouldn’t even know what my intuition was. A gut feeling? Sure. To follow my heart? Definitely. But it is always right? How do I know? Does it matter? And do I feel ready? YES. YES. YES. YES.

It took some practice.

I practiced every day with some great yoga teachers and figured out some fun ways to expand on the already amazing studio experience you’re having now.   More on that later.

But first! We’re ready to post our new schedule... read carefully, some classes aren’t starting until we get back from Maui in November…

I am also doing two workshops before I go, so if you are just beginning to practice…. or you want to align your chakras … just kidding… align your warrior poses and other postures… I’m here for you.  Just sign up and use your pass or pay the drop in fee. The 20th and 28th of October. (Chakra Aligning is in December).

More exciting changes coming soon and we are so glad that you love change as much as we do!!!!!!!

Much Love,

; )

p.s. Hiking to Opal Creek October 13th. That’s a Saturday.  We’ll plan on leaving at 7:30am.  The next email tonight… or possibly tomorrow will have all the details. Watch for that one.

p.p.s. I feel like I’m forgetting a lot… teachers, schedule, hiking, maui, workshops,  . . .  oh yea! There’s more chocolate!

I’ll probably write again in a little while. ; )

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