Shocking Relevations and Disturbing Discoveries

Hey there,

In grade school, I stuck my hair clip into the outlet and shocked myself and burnt my hair clip… on accident… sort of. I’m not sure if I did that because someone told me not to… or because the bendy little snap-open hair clip fit perfectly into those two little perfectly parallel lines in the outlet right next to me on the steps in the cafeteria.  We were seated there, waiting patiently to practice our part in the Christmas play. One year I was an elf. One year I wrote a Christmas poem I read to the whole school.  I’ve written hundreds since then… but as an adult I call them mantras and haikus.


How is this relevant?


  1. I’m lucky to be alive and turning 50 tomorrow!  And Love Yoga is turning 8! We’re celebrating tomorrow night with a mini camp out kinda thing at the studio. This is my subtle way of reminding you to come celebrate with us. 6:30pm. Bring a camp chair, wear a flannel, make a s’more!


  1. I needed to use the word Shocking in the subject line somehow… because a larger number of you than usual opened the last email titled ‘Bad News’, so I’m experimenting with different subject lines to see what it takes to get you to read these. I mean, you signed up for them, so I’m assuming you really want to read them.  I try to be entertaining aaaaand informative. But disturbingly…. 3 times as many of you opened the ‘bad news’ email. ? ? ?  you know who you are….


  1. LOVESTRONG ADVENTURESis launching tomorrow! What is it exactly?

I think we’ve created a better way to explore Love Yoga Studio, the yoga practice itself and NATURE! Our new LOVESTRONG Trail Guide gives you a look at all the offerings at Love and a map to the many ways you can practice and explore. Classes, Workshops, Trainings, Adventures, etc.

LOVESTRONG Adventures is also a way of connecting people with nature because we know how good this is for us – Shinrin-Yoku (aka forest bathing, nature therapy). (deleted comment about the wisdom of other cultures here so as not to offend.  The internet is a scary place).

We are shooting for 2 events every month that get us exploring. So far, we’ve kayaked the Willamette and hiked Drift Creek. Next month we hike Opal Creek and in November we go to Maui!  And we’re not just getting outside to explore… we’ll also get out of our comfort zones a bit with surprise picnics, SUP yoga and urban yoga tours.

For those of you in the studio, you’ll see all of this and the new shirts that arrived today!  For those of you not able to come in this week, I’ll be posting a video and sending you the link tomorrow that shows you the trail guide, the shirts and and update on the adventures.


Through yoga I’ve become significantly stronger. So much so, that I’m not afraid to live the way I want to live. (for the most part). And I’m loving it! It’s gotten me through and over a lot of fears.  I’m always applying the practice to other areas of my life…. like getting out in nature. Not my forte. In fact some might say it’s nowhere near my wheel house.  Some might even say it’s a little bit,  . . . wait for it . . .




See y’all tomorrow,

: )



Here’s a couple of posts online about it also in case you missed them . . .