Something’s been on my last nerve

Hey, I’ve missed writing to you… but I don’t like to write unless I have a clear and helpful reason to write. I mean, I could have just dropped you a line to tell you I miss you… but our MindBody system does that for us. And while it’s true… we do miss you and want to hear back from you about how we could help… THOSE emails are intended to simply remind you that we’re here for you. 

THESE emails/posts however, are ME talking to YOU because something mattered enough to me to set aside my tea and avocado toast and bust it out. 

It’s possible that you might not hear from me for a while again though because I just discovered a new website that will basically make me a scientist/anatomist/PHD of the human body. If you’re an anatomy nerd like myself… or maybe you’d like a simple understanding of your body, you’re going to be completely captivated by this site!

There are 3D graphics of everything. It’s primarily for understanding dis-ease, but I’m using it to locate the vagus nerve, the SI Joint, Carpal Tunnel, ACLs and all the other things that we like to be keenly aware of when helping people flow through their bodies intelligently.

Above is a diagram I snipped to show you the vagus nerve. But you can also see it from all angles and highlights in this program. Many of you know how obsessed I am with this nerve. When people say that they’re on their LAST nerve, this is literally the ONE! And when people don’t understand how a simple yoga practice can help them feel substantially better, THAT gets on my last nerve! 

OVERSIMPLIFIED, The vagus nerve is the 10th and longest cranial nerve and connects to some of our organs (one being the heart) and interacts with our parasympathetic system.(the calm side of your nervous system). It’s the EPITOME of why Yoga helps. When we breathe and move, it tells our body to chill out. It actually responds to our thoughts, actions and exhales directly. It’s magic, I tell ya, straight up anatomical magic. and science.


I’ll be back later once I come up for air to tell you about our upcoming FEBRUARY ‘Share the LOVE’ Challenge. You’re going to love this one, because some of you are going to get a FREE month of yoga and it could easily be YOU! 

Much Love, 

: )


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