SPRING UPDATE! (workshops, trainings & classes)


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Qi Gong is now offered on Sundays at 10:30am and Wednesdays at 4pm.

April 16th   12-1pm   Yoga Training meeting/Q&A. (how it works, what we cover, what you do, etc.)

April 30th 12 – 2pm  The Neuroscience of Yoga & Meditation w/ Paul Watts

May 1st, 15th & 29th  3-4pm  Pre Natal Yoga w/Amy Perkins

May 7th   4-5:30pm  Restorative Yoga w/massage for tension relief w/Katie Z.

May 8th     All Day  Bring your mom for Free

May 14th      Training begins.  Deepen your knowledge for your own practice and then decide if you’d like to share that experience with others.

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