Yoga during the shut down?

Have you been affected by the shut down? What do we mean by affected?  We don’t mean you’re enraged and tired of it… although that’s completely understandable. We mean you are affected financially. You are unexpectedly not receiving income in your household or are out of work.  We’d like you to be able to come to yoga and practice and connect with others.  We’d like to help you create some moments of peace and clarity.

We’re extending this offer without any restrictions and we trust that everyone who is affected financially will benefit from this … and those who are not affected financially will continue to support the studio in ways that allow us to offer things like this in times like these.

We’re also going to be promoting the @parksproject organization as they try to gather support for the parks system both during the shutdown and after.  So if you’re interested in other ways to lend a hand… watch for those on social media.

Wishing you all the best,

All of us at Love

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