Category: Instructors

Suzanne Davis, Owner, E-RYT1000

I first experienced yoga in my mid 20s after almost a decade of struggling with anxiety. I credit my parents. Not for the anxiety…  🤔… for finding yoga! (My Dad first recommeded I try meditation and later, my Mom co-founded the studio with me).

But nobody talked about anxiety back then. So I had to do a ton of secret research which led me to yoga, meditation, nutrition, energy work and breathwork. All of that led me to discover the simple thing that changed my life: The Science of Breathing.  

Breathing smarter eliminated the anxiety completely. And 25 years later… I’m still completely anxiety free.

(Ask me how to check your breathing, it’s a simple 60 second test. More about this at ).

You see now why I MUST share this practice with anyone and everyone who’s interested.  I was destined for a life of fear and anxiety and this practice saved me. It gave me tools and tips that made me strong, resilient and brave. 

So in 2010, The day after I completed my 200 hour Yoga Training, I found myself unexpectedly unemployed. Talk about diving into the practice of being okay with uncertainty! It must have worked because 9 days later, we opened Love Yoga. 

We wanted to share how to ease pain and stress and how to find joy through yoga, breathing and meditation. Even in unexpectedly, uncertain and difficult times. 

After opening the studio, I went on to create the LoveStrong Teacher Training and LoveStrong Adventures to inspire others to encourage themselves. To learn the tools and tips that would make them strong, resilient and brave. 

These programs have evolved into an amazing yoga community that does even more to reduce stress, relieve tension, inspire laughter, create connections, share music and make friends. 

We encourage a functional fitness approach to yoga with a nourishing and soulful practice that includes all things wellness, relaxation and connection. 

I infuse my classes with as much humor, science, breathwork and meditation as I can because those are the things I love most. And If that’s not working I’ll simply let you simmer in silence.  No problem.  I’m not afraid of awkward silences… at all.  

I’ll give you plenty of opportunities to challenge yourself, deeply relax and encourage you to improve your strength and flexibility naturally. 

Thursday 5:30pm Gentle Yoga / Guided Meditation
Saturday 9am Vinyasa Flow


2006  Yoga Fit Training Weekend/Beth Shaw

2010  200 hour Yoga Alliance certification

2012  500 hour Yoga Certification @ Mark Stephens Yoga

2013  Yoga Anatomy Fundamentals w/ Leslie Kaminoff

2013  MBSR Certified (Mind Body Stress Reduction)

2014  Off the Mat, Into the World Certification w/Seane Corn

2014  Strala NYC Training w/Tara Stiles & Mike Taylor

2015  Yoga Teacher Refresher w/Jason Crandell

2017  Functional Joint Movement Certification w/ Jory Serota

2018  Spirit Speak Certification w/ Seane Corn

2019  100 hour Guided Meditation Certification w/ Guided Medit. Framewk.

2020  Transformations, The Science of change w/ Trevor Blake

2020  Inner Engineering Yoga Philosophy w/ Sadhguru

2020  Intuitive Energy Course w/ Marie Manuchehri

2021  Yoga Therapy Foundations, Yoga Therapy Institute

2021  Intuitive Energy Medicine Healing w/ Marie Manuchehri

2021 100 hour Adv. Meditation Cert w/Guided Meditation Framework

2021  Stress & the Relaxation Response w/ Dr. Herbert Benson

2022  Certified NLP & Hypnotherapist for Stress Management, IBCP

2022  Certified Buteyko Breathing Instructor/Oxygen Advantage Methods 

Additional trainings & workshops with Seane Corn, Jason Crandell, Leslie Kaminoff, Jory Serota, David Williams, Paul Terrell of Yoga on Yamhill, Bryan Kest, Rudy Mettia, James Nestor, Patrick Mckeown. 

Aunnie Whittington, RYT500

I take self care pretty seriously. For everyone. My passion for self care extends to my family, friends and others. I’m always happy to create space for self care, whether that’s teaching, introducing someone to yoga or simply sharing my love of this practice with others.  In addition to yoga, I have cultivated strong and consistent meditation and spiritual practices. These practices have enhanced my focus and my faith. They have helped me navigate life’s challenges and tap into my inner peace when I truly need it.  Last year I created a Chair Yoga class that I am honored to say has grown extensively, giving me yet another fun way to create space for those who thought self care through yoga might have been out of reach. When I’m not volunteering, baking, walking or traveling… you can find me here at Love Yoga creating more space.

All Levels Flow, Fridays 9:30am 
Chair Yoga, Fridays 11:00am

Click HERE for the schedule and class descriptions

Sarah Tierce, RYT200

Namaste! I’m Sarah, a dedicated yoga instructor, mother of 5, and a birth doula with a passion for nurturing both the body and the soul. My journey into yoga began as a powerful response to managing anxiety, leading me to a transformative 200-hour teacher training with Love Yoga.

This is where I truly began to find my voice for sharing this practice. But first… it took a little bit of a secret journey before I dove in completely. I taught a private class on Monday nights for a few friends and family… for almost 6 months before I found the courage to welcome the public… where I’ve since met all of you!

As a caregiver at heart, my yoga classes are a sanctuary of compassion and mindfulness. Balancing the roles of motherhood and doula, I bring a unique perspective to my teaching—infusing each class with the wisdom gained from supporting new life both in and out of the studio.

I believe in creating a space where every individual feels seen, heard, and supported on their unique journey. With a background rooted in LOVE and a commitment to holistic well-being, I guide my students through practices that not only strengthen the body but also nourish the spirit.

My teaching philosophy revolves around the belief that yoga is a personal exploration—a journey to self-discovery and self-care. Through mindful movement, breath awareness, and the gentle guidance of my classes, I aim to empower each student to find their inner strength and peace.

Having found a home at Love Yoga, I am grateful for the opportunity to share my passion for yoga in this vibrant community. The studio’s commitment to fostering a welcoming environment aligns perfectly with my teaching values. Together, let’s embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and joy through the practice of yoga.

Join me on the mat, and let’s embrace the transformative power of yoga—one breath at a time.

And if you or someone you know could use a little extra support with any part of pregnancy, pre or post… feel free to reach out to me for a doula info packet.

Gentle Yoga, Mondays 5:30pm
Vinyasa Flow, Wednesdays 9:30am

Click HERE for the schedule and class descriptions

Christine Mosbaugh, RYT200

I started coming to Love Yoga in 2017. With a lifetime of sports behind me (track, swimming, gymnastics), I assumed yoga would be fairly accessible to me. And as a new mom with a toddler, (who’s now almost a tween!), the hikes I had imagined possible with a baby carrier then shattered my illusion of how I could be out and about in the PNW.

Enter a sign for a yoga studio in my neighborhood!

I was a bit nervous at first. And also confused about the role of a teacher. Are they a coach (should I tell them about my abilities and injuries), a spirit guide (what does that even mean), or something else that I’ve not yet experienced.

 I’ve never been afraid of woo, really, but the fact that there’s a whole language in English/Sanskrit and new concepts to learn, I do remember wondering if I’d be able to get it.

With bravery and willingness, I started with Friday night drop-in classes. Low cost, no commitment… I figured I had nothing to lose. Plus, there was a financial weariness that the $5 Friday class alleviated. It cost just enough to commit but not so much that I felt shamed if I didn’t make it.  Shout out to Suzanne for inviting me back in… with no shame!

Gymnastics doesn’t make space for modifications, different expression, or personal adjustments. In that world, things that don’t look a specific way are just wrong.

Which is likely why I was drawn to Vinyasa Flow over other more intense forms of yoga. The freedom and creativity resonated with me yet it still took a while to sort through classes and teachers to find the experience I didn’t even know I’d been seeking.

Looking back, I know now that my slow start was never about the practice but about finding where it fit in my life.

I can now better regulate my nervous system and use this practice on the mat and in my life. It helps with work, parenting, partnering and interfacing with people. (something I do willingly but that also, at times exhausts me). #introvert/#extrovert

My brain rarely stops thinking, processing and planning, so classes that allowed that to happen calmly, or not at all, has been such a huge blessing! (Plus, I’m so unlikely to do a savasana at home).

As a teacher, I know that a good class is truly a collaboration between myself and each person on the mat. That’s really cool when I stop to think about it.

My goal is to share ideas, a flow, spread curiosity about movement- it’s everyone else’s goal to listen, do as they can and as they choose. (Even when I call my leg an elbow in tree pose. In my defense, in tree, the leg DOES look like an elbow  : )

Lastly, I know I can always keep learning about bodies, breathing, movement, and yoga- I think that’s pretty rad.

Vinyasa Flow, Mondays 9:30am

Click HERE for the schedule and class descriptions

Bee Collins, RYT500

My first yoga class was in a rehabilitation center conference room full of storage boxes and other items. We didn’t have plants or a pretty view or any of the other ‘zen’ things most studios have. None of that matter, I just needed to move.

I was able to connect within myself in a way I had never experienced before. I was able to shut the world out. The classmates were far from my concern. It was just me, moving, breathing and smiling.

Yoga saved my life. It took a few years to get focused but I eventually connected with Oregon’s vocational rehab program and enrolled in Love Yoga Teacher Training.

I had minimal experience but I knew if yoga made me feel anywhere near as good as it did on the inside, then I could only imagine the shift on the outside.

Yoga training requires attending classes on a regular basis. I found myself practicing daily, completing the training and beginning to teach ever since.

Yoga is part of my mental health ‘tool box’ as well as a path for whole body healing and connection to my soul, my true self. I bring these tools along with the breath, intentions and stillness into my classes.

I’m stronger now than I ever expected. Thank you, Yoga!

Class Times:
Strong Flow: Thursdays 9:30am

Click HERE for full schedule and class descriptions.

Stephanie Perry, RYT500

My serious yoga journey started after a shoulder injury. I wanted to get mobility back in my shoulder and yoga seemed like a natural solution. I was able to heal and strengthen my body in a more holistic and gentle way. And, I was hooked!

I was a Personal Trainer for 15 years prior to going into boutique gift sales (what I’ve done for the last 20 years). I love that I’ve been able to expand my passion for helping people move their physical bodies by teaching yoga! It benefits me in my “real” job both physically and mentally. Because just a few minutes of yoga and a few minutes of intentional breathing can do wonders for your day whether in a hotel room or at home!

I have taken THREE of Love Yoga Studio’s Yoga Trainings and each time I have learned more and been able to dig a little deeper into the heart of yoga.

I am committed to this learning journey of yoga and life and am honored to bring what I learn to my little corner of the world.

Strong Flow (with plenty of modifications) Tuesdays 9:30am

Click HERE for the schedule and class descriptions

Jenny Jo, RYT200

When I found LOVE, I was in the midst of all the things: parenting, working full-time, grad-schooling; but not much that was just for me. I knew I wanted to strengthen my yoga practice, I knew this would be the very best thing I could do for myself— allow myself a hour just for myself. I didn’t even know fully yet how it would impact my life.

I immediately felt at home when I walked through the doors— and furthermore, I felt welcomed right where I was at. I had previously done some yoga dvds at home and some classes here and there; but nothing brought me into my practice like this studio. I was noncommittal initially, coming to $5 drop-in classes, feeling I could justify that most. Then one day I was positively challenged to purchase a pass for myself— more like a challenge to commit to my yoga practice. (Thanks for doing that, Suzanne.)

Yoga has ultimately transformed how I live and how I function in my day to day life. I came to recognize how strong I am, how confident I can be when I find a little flow and calm. I learned how to breathe better because of yoga practice.

And when I completed teacher training and began leading classes, I found my voice. (Cue the unclogging of the throat chakra.) It felt natural to pay it forward to others, so to speak, by sharing what has been so important for my life with others. In addition to teaching Restorative on Wednesday nights (one of my long time favorite classes even before I started leading it), I teach daily flow classes to middle schoolers with special needs with the primary focus being self-regulation through calming the nervous system through flow, breathing, and interception.

Yoga is for everyone. LOVE is for everyone.

Class Times:
Restorative Yoga Wednesdays 7:00pm

Click HERE for full schedule and class descriptions

Amanda (Pender) Mandehr RYT200

My mom introduced me to yoga as an angsty adolescent because she had seen the benefits of yoga in her own life and thought it could help me, too. I practiced here and there through my teen years, but yoga came back to me in college.  I was a high-achieving student and putting way too much pressure on myself to get the grades and figure out my life/career path. Plus, I was trying to find where I belonged in a new place.
I started going to yoga classes at the campus fitness center and they were hard! As a high-achiever, I loved it. It was gratifying to get through a physically demanding, power-type class. But the more I practiced, the more I found compassion in the practice. I gained awareness around what was serving me and what was not.
I learned that sometimes self growth means doing more, but it often means doing less.
I started teaching yoga to connect with the community and to create space for people to explore what serves them (and what doesn’t). This helps create the space to practice compassion, and find balance.

Karrin Mayer, RYT200

I have always had a deep belief that my purpose, my higher calling in life, lies within facilitating positive growth in others.  As an educator, what an inspiration it was to guide young minds. As a counselor, what an honor it was to guide those in recovery.

This is when yoga entered my life. I discovered how closely the principals of yoga aligned with the principles of recovery.  So, I began to utilize yoga as a part of group therapy.  This is also when I began my own personal practice of yoga.

When this light bulb turned on, all I could think was, “Yoga, where have you been all my life?!”

What a revelation it was for me to realize that everything in life is impermanent except for me. This means that I am not fragile. This means that I have the ability to stay positively curious. This means that I can take what I’ve learned from my practice into my life and benefit from both.

I started feeling like I have a new super power, yoga! How could I not want to share even a fraction of what yoga has given me with you? Yes, that’s right, my purpose, my higher calling, has led me straight to you. So join me on this beautiful yoga journey.

P.S. You’ll get toned and tight too.

Class Times:
Let Go & Flow: Wednesdays 5:30pm

Click HERE for full schedule and class descriptions.


Jen Hayes, RYT200

Jen (she/her) is a cheeky, neurodiverse, and queer Vermonter who has dreamed of teaching yoga since she started practicing in 2010. She began her practice as a teenager in a small studio run by a woman named Penny. They were introduced so Jen could attend yoga classes to gain high school gym credit. Penny’s strong, grounding, and playful classes kept Jen coming back to the studio through her college years. She would leave the studio feeling nourished in the mind, body, and soul, or “like being wrapped in a warm hug”.

A giver at heart, Jen wanted to enroll in a yoga teacher training (YTT) so she could bring the energy of “Penny Yoga” to others.

Though it took her 13 years to start, Jen finished her 200-hour YTT in 2023 at LOVE.

As a teacher, she incorporates playfulness, grounding, and lots of heart openers into moderately paced flows with opportunities to slow down, modify, and rest. She takes joy in seeing a room of people choosing their own variations and modifications to align with their own body’s needs. She encourages people to approach their practice with curiosity, rather than judgement, and hopes people leave their mat feeling more connected with themselves. Jen uses props and essential oils in every class.

When she’s not here at LOVE, Jen can be found chasing bees, admiring flowers, and working on her dissertation at OSU.

Class Times:

Vinyasa Flow: Mondays/Thursdays 7pm

Click HERE for the full schedule and class descriptions