All you need is LOVE

Love is all you need . . . start with yourself.

Cultivating optimism and loving yourself are strong threads infused into yoga practices around the world. Almost every class encourages a positive focus, a healthy challenge and compassion for ourselves and others.  There are many approaches in these practices that might include repeating a mantra, meditating, deep relaxation, healthy eating, connection, reflection and forgiveness, to name a few. There are a zillion reminders (memes) coming at us from every direction. We’d like to help simplify the process and the practice with two words.


Anytime you find yourself wondering what to do next or how to respond or where to go first… Choose Love.
Choose the most loving possible option.

Also sometimes referred to as ‘following your heart’. It can make decisions easier, clearer and quicker. Simple to do, hard to remember:  Pausing to consider what might be the most loving option. Erich Schiffmann refers to this as a ‘Conscious Pause’.  That’s why we practice.  Of course we also believe that Choosing Love Yoga is the best way to practice.  We would though, wouldn’t we?  ; )
Cultivating optimism, encouraging each other, following our hearts, choosing love.  We love sharing this practice with every one of you.  THANK YOU!


This week in Teacher Training we are reviewing the Sanskrit names for some of the postures you experience in class.

Tadasana: Mountain Pose
Uttanasana: Forward Fold
Utkatasana: Chair Pose
Balasana: Child’s Pose

Learning new words for postures, while breathing and focusing… is truly yoga for the mind, body, heart and soul. Enjoy.



We have a new Lunch Hour Flow on Mondays at 12:05pm!
and an Online Book Club!  This month’s book is:
The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer.

(Live Book review at the studio, Sunday, Oct. 29th, 7:15pm)


Don’t Miss this Week:

Our New Monday Lunch time Flow w/Sabrina  12:05pm
Our 6:30am Thursday morning flow w/Rheannon
Qi Gong with Jerry Thursday nights at 6:30pm


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