Life might seem like one long blooper reel lately.
But sometimes that’s where some of the most challenging things, turn into the most humorous things.
Seriously though, It’s ABSURD how many times I’ll redo a 13 second video. Ridiculous actually. I know a lot of you are like, ‘whatever, it doesn’t matter, don’t be vain, just send it’. I’m not vain. I just don’t want to look stupid. Or blotchy or bitchy. It’s fine line, LOL. You are probably the same people who’ve used the hashtag #wokeuplikethis (Huge eye roll). I teach yoga. Filming is not my forte.
However, I have managed to figure out which is my good side, how much powder helps and how to avoid the ‘chins’ look.
So now….. we’re officially ONLINE.
Available now. Technically, Everywhere.
#LoveisEverywhere #StayhomewithLove
With full yoga classes, short classes and guided meditations. Everything you need to stay fit, remain calm and forge new paths in the world! (too much?)
(Side Note about the blooper reel: You can’t put videos in emails, or I would have strung all these together and left it here for your entertainment. But I want to get all the teachers in there first. ; ) Maybe next time).
In the meantime, I’d like to ask for your help… PLEASE don’t let my new found Tech Skills go to waste. If you or someone you know would like to try yoga in the comfort of your own home… in your pajamas? Now’s your chance. Nobody’s watching you!
Plus, when you get an online pass for our Virtual Studio and our Live Facebook Group videos, you are making a positive contribution to the entire community. This is how we’re keeping it all together, keeping us all connected and making sure that we can practice together again soon.
And if you’d like to GIFT a pass to someone on the front lines or someone out of work, just let us know, we’d be happy to share the love and split the cost. Let us know how we can help.
Message me directly with any questions: love@loveyogastudios.com
Much Love and Appreciation,
: )