Three week Meditation Workshop February 8th

Join us for a 3 week Meditation Workshop Series  (Sunday nights) $45 for all sessions, guidance and continued communication in developing your own practice.

3 week meditation workshop to introduce various styles and techniques. Learn about the most experienced meditation teachers and the best resources available to you in order to create and sustain your own personal meditation practice.

Topics will include Omharmonics, Headspace, Zen traditions and others.  You will learn about the resources available through experienced teachers such as Pema Chodron, Alan Watts, Deepak Chopra, Thich Nhat Hahn, Jon Kabat Zinn and more!  We help you gather and experience this information in a way that lets you create a practice that works best for you.

Sunday Feb. 8th  7:30-8:15pm

Sunday Feb. 15th 7:30 – 8:15pm

Sunday Feb. 22nd 7:30 – 8:15pm


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